Wellbeing and Mental Health

Kempshott Junior School understands the importance of Wellbeing and is committed to promoting and supporting positive mental health and wellbeing in our whole school community.  We prioritise building a culture of trust where school staff and children feel valued, can be open about their health and wellbeing and know how to access support if they need it.


What is mental wellbeing?

A state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” World Health Organisation (WHO), 2014


At our school we: 

  • Equip children to recognise and name their emotions and with strategies to manage them
  • Ensure positive relationships between children and adults throughout school
  • Teach children about online safety and the realities of the digital world
  • Promote self-esteem through strategies such as our positive behaviour management policy
  • Have a designated wellbeing team that works to improve the pupil offer in school
  • Train staff to consistently build knowledge and skills and to improve practice. Training includes attachment and trauma, mental health awareness, restorative practice, nurture and positive language.
  • Offer specialist ELSA support
  • Provide opportunities for student voice to be heard through school council and class feedback
  • Referrals to CAMHS/Behaviour Support and other external services as needed

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team

Mrs Craig - Headteacher and Designated Safeuguarding lead (DSL)

Mrs Clifton - Deputy Headteacher, Deputy DSL  and SENDCo

Miss K Williams - Deputy DSL, ELSA, Inclusion Manager

Miss M Williams - Deputy Mental Health Lead

 To find out more, please see the Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy 


Here are some of the routines and interventions that we currently do to support mental health and well-being 

Singing Assemblies 

Helps to regulate breathing, enjoyed by pupils & staff, releases ‘happy’ hormones and boosts confidence, well-being of the children & self-esteem

Learning Support Assistants

Support with pupil’s emotional regulation and how to keep themselves and others safe. LSA’s are well-placed to identify risk factors for, and the promotion of, positive mental health.

Celebration Assemblies

Weekly achievements celebrated with certificates and stickers. Boosts self-esteem, confidence & well-being of the children alongside celebrating the achievements of others.

Speech & Language Therapy

Support the development of communication through 1:1 sessions, group sessions and whole class support, boosting confidence and self-esteem and overall wellbeing of the children.

Coffee & Chat

Informal parent/carers group that meet regularly with the SENDCo and ELSA over tea & biscuits and chat about anything, supporting the wellbeing of the families by staying connected, sharing information and developing a sense of belonging.

Team Teach

A holistic approach to supporting positive behaviour management through de-escalation and communication over physical intervention wherever possible, supporting communication, positive relationships and overall wellbeing of staff and children.


Positivity club Lunchtime Nurture group