Teaching with Pride, Learning with Confidence

School Lunches

Our school meals are provided by a Hampshire County Council approved catering company and continue to be good value for money. The school kitchen operates a winter and summer menu.

Click here to see more details of the most current menu

Dinner orders are taken every morning once the attendance register is taken. The children are told the two options available (red or green) and the teacher records their choices. In the summer there is also a picnic option available. Dinners currently cost £3.30 per day for two courses and preferred payment is online and in advance either weekly, monthly or termly. Children can order a meal on a daily basis. If money does need to be sent to the school office it must be in a sealed envelope clearly stating the child’s name, class and how much money is enclosed.

Income Support

If you receive Income Support you may be entitled to free school meals. In order to check, please click here and follow the instructions.

Packed Lunches

If you wish your child to have a packed lunch please make sure that they are kept in a plastic container or lunchbox, clearly marked with your child’s name. Drinks may be brought in a water tight container – no fizzy drinks or sweets are permitted. We also have several children with nut allergies in the school, so please ensure packed lunches are “nut free”, thank you.

Online Payment

Payment for school dinners, school trips and residential visits is via our online Arbour App.  Log in details will be provided when your child starts the school.  If you do not have log in details please contact the school office.